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Cursus: RGBUIER002
Public International Law
Cursus informatie
Studiepunten (EC)7,5
1. Knowledge, understanding, insight
After this course:
  • the student knows the most important general concepts of international law and has insight in the societal and political context.
2. Contextual positioning
After this course:
  • the student has insight in the societal and political context in which these concepts developed and is the student able to apply this insight on some societal issues.
3. General academic and legal skills
After this course:
  • the student is able to consult treaties and other relevant sources of international law, to value these, and to apply case law (collecting scientific information, valuing, and application).
  • the student is able to construct a legal argument and report this in a written production (plea or judgment) and solve a case through this.
  • the student can coherently present its argument orally in moot court.

The Public International Law course aims to introduce the students to the most important general tenets of international law. These are the following: the nature and structure of international law; the sources of international law, with particular attention to treaty law; the subjects of international law; jurisdiction and immunities; state responsibility and the responsibility of international organizations; the international law of peace and security and the role of the United Nations therein; peaceful settlement of disputes; the law of the sea and international environmental law.

We will study the societal and political context in which international law functions, and through which the law has adapted and evolved over time. Plenty of attention will be paid to the social context of international law, with seminars in which the students are taught to apply the legal framework to current and pressing issues and debates.
In addition to the social context of international law, we will pay particular attention to the discipline’s so-called "academic context". We will, for example, discuss the importance and effectiveness of international law in the context of the study of international relations.

There are no lectures in the formal sense of the word. Instead, intensive use is made of knowledge clips, as well as weekly digital questions and answers (Q&A) sessions, which are moderated by the lecturer. Each week, students are supposed to read one or more chapters of the textbook. General questions given by the lecturer will guide the students’ reading. The knowledge clips restate the basic principles of each chapter. By (each) Monday noon, students can ask questions arising as a result of their reading of the textbook. The lecturer will cluster the questions and will answer them by Tuesday afternoon.  If issues remain unclear, students have another opportunity to ask questions by (each) Friday noon. The lecturer will answer these by the following Monday. In the last week, a final digital Q&A will be organized in preparation of the exam.

Place of the course within the curriculum:
  • Compulsory course in bachelor “Rechtsgeleerdheid”

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