Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: 200900121
Coaching and training: theory and practice
Course info
Course code200900121
Course goals
  • facilitate individual and group activities aimed at personal and professional development;
  • apply basic communicative skills in (individual) coaching and (group) training activities;
  • carry out a methodically justified individual coachingprocess and deliver a methodically justified training;
  • collect feedback in a systematic way and reflect on your actions as coach and trainer.
Coaching and training is all about facilitating learning for individuals and groups/teams. The knowledge and skills that are necessary for coaching and training are important for academic professionals who are going to support co-workers or clients. Coaching is directed at fostering self-directed learning and personal growth. The coach aims at enlarging problem solving and self-regulating skills of individuals or teams. Coaching is more about asking the right questions than telling people what to do. Coaching involves working towards the goal the coachee has set for him- or herself in collaboration with the coach. Training involves designing a learning environment (the workshop) for a group and to subsequently deliver this workshop to the target audience. A workshop aims at activating the participants to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills with regards to a given subject. When this is done in an effective way, the workshop facilitates change to achieve individual and organizational goals. The course gives the opportunity to acquire experience with coaching and training. Students are asked to take on the different roles of coach and coachee, of trainer and workshop participant, because the change of perspective will lead to a deeper understanding of effective coaching and training. The theoretical knowledge about coaching and training helps you to place your experiences in a wider scope of reference and provides a framework to reflect on your learning process. Theory is used as a source of inspiration for the coaching process and workshop design and it is used to attain a well-founded self-reflection. Theory and practice combined lead to your own perspective on coaching and training.

The course will have English speaking groups on Wednesday evenings and Dutch speaking groups on the Wednesday afternoon. Planned practice time will be scheduled on other moments of the Wednesday. The course opening day will have one starting moment for all participants.
Kies de Nederlandse taal