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Cursus: INFOGR
Cursus informatie
Studiepunten (EC)7,5
Upon completing this course, students will:
•             understand and remember basic notions of linear algebra: coordinate systems in 2D and 3D, vectors, lines, planes, basic shapes, projections, matrices, transformations.
•             understand and be able to apply operations on the above, such as for example: operations with vectors, projection of shapes on the plane, operations with matrices, transformations of objects.
•             understand and be able to implement the rendering algorithms of ray tracing and rasterization.
•             understand and be able to implement the mechanism of shading, reflections and refraction.
The aim of the course is two-fold. The major goal is to introduce the students to the basic notions and algorithms of computer graphics. In particular, the course concentrates on two classical rendering algorithms: ray tracing and rasterization.
The secondary goal is to build a background knowledge in basic linear algebra that is necessary to understand the graphics material but which also serves as a background for the future studies.

Topics covered:

Linear algebra topics
•             vectors, coordinate system, vector operations, circles, ellipses, lines in 2D, parallel and perspective projections
•             lines, planes and spheres in 3D, operations with them
•             matrices and operations with them, notions of transpose, determinant, inverse
•             transformations: translation, scaling, reflection, rotation, shearing; composite transformations
•             projection transformations: orthographic, perspective

Computer graphics topics
•             ray tracing: ray visibility queries, shading, shadows, recursive ray tracing, reflections, refraction, acceleration structures
•             rasterization: camera models, visibility algorithms, rasterization pipeline, shaders

There will be two programming assignments (P1 and P2) and two exams (T1 and T2). The programming grade P = (P1+P2)/2 must be at least 5.0 (before rounding) to complete the course. The exam grade T = 0.3*T1 + 0.7*T2 must be at least 5.0 (before rounding) to complete the course. The final grade will be (T+P)/2.
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