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ICT startups
Cursus informatie
Studiepunten (EC)7,5

After this course a student should:

  1. Be able to conduct research into the domain of ICT Startups and the construction of ICT products and services,
  1. By formulating a research question,
  2. By designing a challenging but feasible research plan, and
  3. By executing the research plan.
  1. Be able to report on a small research project,
  2. Be able to analyze the scientific literature in a particular subfield of the domain,
  3. Be aware of the most recent literature on ICT startups, and ICT products and services research.

The way in which the learning goals are achieved are:

  1. By conducting a small research project into the domain of ICT Entrepreneurship, including but not limited to the theme list below.
  2. To advance a project from the Science-based Entrepreneurship Course (previously named ICT Entrepreneurship) by performing an in-depth study into an academically challenging related problem.
  3. To create learning materials for future generations of entrepreneurs.
The assessment plan describes how the envisioned outcome will be judged and what objectives lead to what grades for the course.
If a student does not communicate with the lecturer in writing for 4 weeks or more, the supervisor may terminate the project and judge it with a “NVD”.


ICT Startups is a domain that is relatively new as a research field: it concerns the definition and study of success in ICT entrepreneurship. It has as a goal to support the practitioner field, whether that is incubators, entrepreneurs, software engineers, software product managers, chief technology officers, or entrepreneurship lecturers, with up to date knowledge and practices. These should in turn support entrepreneurs in better decision making in their daily, and often nightly, work. One of the main aspects of this work concerns the construction and engineering of ICT products and services.

The research project in the course can be about one of the following topics:

  • Startups and new venture creation

Success factors for software-intensive startups
Software startup processes
Disruptive innovation and adoption of startups
Managing startup and growth hacking
Intertwined software product and business model development
App economy
Platform-based business models and value co-creation
API economy

  • Software Development and Product Management

Software engineering management and productivity
Lifecycle perspective
Speeding up time-to-market
Effective business model transformation and improvement
Pricing strategies
Design thinking

  • Software Business Development

Business modeling for software products and services
Economics of software companies
Internationalization of software-intensive companies

  • New ideas and emerging areas

Disruptive trends in software business
Business Analytics, data analytics
The future of software-intensive business
Software business and entrepreneurship education
Game business and gamification in software-intensive business

ICT Startups is a continuation course of Science-based Entrepreneurship (previously named ICT Entrepreneurship). It cannot be followed without first successfully finishing Science-based Entrepreneurship.

Course form/course entry
The course is highly personalized and can be tailored to the ambitions of the students and the advising lecturer.
A research plan must be created by the student and signed by both the course supervisor and the student before a student is allowed to enter the course.
The research plan should at least list: (1) the project goal, (2) the project deliverables, (3) the project’s envisioned outcome, and (4) an assessment plan from the supervisor.


  • Ries, E. (2011), The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses. Kindle Edition, Penguin Books Limited. New York, NY.
  • Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G. & Smith, A. (2014), Value proposition design: How to create products and services customers want, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Paternoster, N., Giardino, C., Unterkalmsteiner, M., Gorschek, T. & Abrahamsson, P. (2014), Software development in startup companies: A systematic mapping study, Information and Software Technology 56(10), 1200–1218.
  • Jansen, S. & van Cann, R. (2012), Software business start-up memories: Key decisions in success stories, Springer.
  • Dorst, K. (2011), ‘The core of ’design thinking’ and its application’, Design studies 32(6), 521–532.
  • Blank, S. & Dorf, B. (2012), The startup owner’s manual: The step-by-step guide for building a great company, K&S Ranch.
  • Lucassen, G., Dalpiaz, F., van der Werf, J. M. E., & Brinkkemper, S. (2016). Improving agile requirements: the quality user story framework and tool. Requirements Engineering, 21(3), 383-403.
  • Siamak Farshidi, Slinger Jansen, Rolf de Jong & Sjaak Brinkkemper (2018) A decision support system for software technology selection, Journal of Decision Systems
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