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Scientific perspectives on GMT
Cursus informatie
Studiepunten (EC)7,5
This is a mandatory course for GMT students. Students from other master programs are not permitted to this course.
GMT students should take it in their first year. Higher-year students are generally not accepted. Exceptions to these rules need to be discussed and confirmed with the teachers and program coordinator.

Learning objectives
  • to learn about scientific research in general
  • to learn about the most common research methods used in Game and Media Technology
  • to increase practice with working in teams
  • to increase practice with scientific reporting
  • to learn more about the Game and Media Technology master program
  • to get to know your fellow GMT students
There will be a total of 6  assignments.
For each assignment you get a group grade (we reserve the right to decrease the grade of individuals though in case we observe a lack of commitment; further exceptions may apply and will be announced in the course in time).
Your final grade will be the average of the five highest grades that you got for all assignments (and exam if you take it; see details below).

Criterion 1: Students can either attend all lectures (a max. of 2 absences is tolerated) or take an exam at the end (in which they must score at least a 6).

Criterion 2: five out of six assignments must be graded with 6 or higher, and the other assignment must be graded with at least a 5. If you do not partake in an assignment, your grade for it will be 1.0.

Comments on criterion 1: Students who do not attend all but 2 lectures (e.g., because they actively decide to do so and learn the material at home instead) must partake in an exam that will cover the content of the lectures and get a grade 6 or higher for it. Students who do attend them can take the exam as well to improve their grade, but don't have to if they already passed the course. Depending on the number of students, we reserve the right to do an oral exam instead of a written one. You must register for the exam via email, see the course site.
To pass this course, criteria 1 and 2 must be fulfilled. Your final grade will be the average of the five highest grades that you got for all assignments (and exam if you take it).

If criterion 1 is not fulfilled, you must take the final exam and score a 6 or higher. The final exam counts as an assignment. Your final score will be the average of the 5 best grades out of 6 or 7 grades. The same applies if you take the final exam voluntarily (if you would have passed too without doing the exam). If criterion 2 is not fulfilled, then the final exam must be taken. It can replace one project grade, and the same grading scheme applies.

To qualify for retakes: Active participation, that is, handing in at least five out of six assignments. These assignments need to have high enough grades: at least four times a 6 and at least once a 5. The retake exam will cover the whole content of the course (lectures and assignments).


The course takes a scientific view on game and media technology by discussing, among other things, fundamental and experimental research, user studies, and general scientific approaches.

Course form
Lectures (2 per week; mandatory attendance or exam instead) and six assignments (mandatory participation, often in teams of 4).


Will be announced in the lecture.

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