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Small project Game and Media Technology
Cursus informatie
Studiepunten (EC)15

A written report and any other deliverables defined at the start of the project.

A repair test requires at least a 4 for the original test.
The small project is an individual or small group project in game or media technology intended to acquaint you with literature study, experimentation for a research purpose or development issues. Its size is 15 ECTS and it is generally taken at the beginning of your second year. It may be taken at a another time if that logistically fits your program better, but not earlier than the third period of your first year. The small project is done during one period full-time, or during two consecutive periods half-time. If the supervisor permits, a project may also be done in the summertime (between periods four and one). The project can be taken internally or externally with one of our industrial or research partners.
The goal of the experimentation project is to either
(1) answer a research question related to a problem in game or media technology by experimentation,
(2) carrying out and reporting on (part of) a development track related to game and media technology,
(3) doing a literature study, possibly in combination with theoretical research.
In case (2), experimentation (e.g. to optimize the methods you implemented in your development) is also likely to be part of the assignment, and your assignment is more likely to be part of a team effort. In either case, the project is concluded with a written report. Please approach a GMT professor to obtain a project well before your planned starting date.

Course form
The project can be done either individually or in a small group (2-3) of students. It is usually done internally with a GMT professor, but may also be done in an external research lab or in a company, in which case a GMT professor is appointed supervisor.
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