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Professional Skills and Identity
Cursus informatie
Studiepunten (EC)3,75
Upon completion of the course students can
  • describe and analyze the core elements (norms / values / roles) that together make up the professional identity of a starting socio-scientific professional
  • present an explicit view on their own professional identity and their plans for further development
  • write a persuasive text (research grant proposal / opinion article / ‘letter of application’ or pitch for a product to be developed) in line with their developing professional identity 
  • as part of a team develop an adequate project plan for ‘a socio-scientific problem’ that needs to be solved
  • present the project plan in an adequate and convincing way
During this course students gain insight in the various roles that they can play in society after they graduate, and what is needed – especially in terms of communication - to fulfil such a role succesfully. Inspiring lectures will be given by professionals out of the domains of research, science communication, science journalism, informal science education (including museums), science policy and business. They will share their experience in, for example, interacting with media, policy makers, private or public funding agencies, or various non-academic audiences. Special attention will be given to the roles they have taken upon themselves, and how their experiences in and with these roles have shaped their professional identity. What dilemmas did they encounter along the way? What advice can they give to students about the skills and knowledge they need to acquire? 
In addition, students will discuss some of the main documents that currently shape science education, - communication and - policy. They will learn to spot ‘problems’ that need to be solved and to identify opportunities for using their expertise. For one of the identified ‘problems’ they will develop, in teams of three or four students, a project plan in which they offer a strategy to solve the ‘problem’ and identify the stakeholders and the required approaches and products. In a final presentation, the teams will compete for the award: best plan of 2017.
The students will also write a personal development plan, based on the (guest) lectures, personal analysis and their experience in making the project plan. In this plan, they will outline their ideal future role in society and the concrete actions that are needed to realize that goal. They will explain how they want to further develop their professional identity, and why. To make a start with these plans, they have to write one text, such as an opinion article or a (section of a) research grant proposal, that fits into their personal development plan.
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