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Cursus: GKRMV16049
Digital Perspectives: a Course on Computational Art History and its Development (Fundamentals IIb)
Cursus informatie
Studiepunten (EC)2,5
Introduction in available tools (data resources) and methods (e.g., digital imaging) for art historical research.
Critical evaluation of available tools and and methods, and their implications for art historical research.  
Art History has always made use of image resources bases; these are converted now into electronic versions (Index of Christian Art; Iconclass). Moreover, in the wake of Technical Art History, the use of digital images and digital imaging has become ever more important. In this course we will explore some of the digital data resources that are available, evaluate their possibilities and shortcomings, and try them out in hands-on sessions. We will also discuss practical aspects of the use of existing digital tools; relations between older art historical research questions and new digital possibilities; enquire into novel research questions made possible by digital tools in the widest sense; and critically review recent articles and research procedures in specialized scholarly journals like Digital Art History.
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