Kies de Nederlandse taal
Course module: UCSSCANT31
Anthropology of Power
Course info
Course codeUCSSCANT31
Course goals

After completing this course students are able to:
  • demonstrate knowledge of the main anthropological theories of power, politics, and globalization
  • analyze the complexities of culture and politics on the global and local level
  • problematize the relations between global processes and local reactions
  • use rhetorical skills
  • use academic writing and research skills.
The course gives an insight into the globally and locally constructed relations of power in the world today, and into their causes and consequences. Throughout, we see culture as a historical and processual emergent, a way of life, a dynamic process, an outcome of contestation and negotiation, to the understanding of which power relations are critical. Our inquiry concerns mainly complex societies, with post-modernity as their intellectual matrix, and cultural effects as time- and space-dependent outcomes of complex power games. Part I focuses on the situated and conjunctural nature of power in the context of the multilayered globalized world. In Part II, we examine the processes of resistance to the dominant power relations and alternative constructions of world order advanced by marginal groups.
There will be two hours of lectures per week (supplemented by documentaries), and two hours of group discussion. Students will be required to complete two writing exercises and prepare one discussion session in teamwork with colleagues.
One weekly meeting is run by two or three students. The instructor will provide weekly themes related to lectures and readings, but for the rest the chairpersons are at liberty to organize the two hours in the ways they see fit as long as they engage with the literature and current anthropological issues. For example, they may hold oral presentations, show audiovisual material, raise discussion questions, simulate a trial or press conference, perform a role play with the class, hold a debate or a quiz, etc.  The instructor will grade the performance.
Kies de Nederlandse taal